I first came to Bulgaria 3 years ago, and moved here from London about 6 months ago. My work has taken me into accelerators across Europe and startup communities from San Francisco to Singapore. So, a lot of people ask what in the world I’m doing here! My honest answers are often rejected… The unbelievable truth I love the lifestyle ...
Прочети повече »The Data Always Says „Yes“ To Something
Our ability to spot opportunities is limited by our intentions, even when we’re trying to be scientific. Not my business model More than a few years ago, a friend of mine posted his startup idea on Reddit, looked to see who engaged, and found that the idea resonated with Indians for some reason. He concluded that it wasn’t a good ...
Прочети повече »Български оптимизъм?
Бил съм в София три пъти от 2010 г. насам. Все слушам за българския песимизъм, но това, което виждам, всъщност е българският оптимизъм! Обичам София. Както града, така и стартъп сцената, хората и нагласата им. Покрай ръководенето на Leancamp и Founder-Centric съм виждал много различни стартъп общности из Европа.
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